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Payment Center


HFLA recommends borrowers use forms of payment other than PayPal.


Why?  PayPal deducts a portion of your payment from the amount sent to HFLA.


HFLA cannot absorb the fees PayPal deducts from your payments. Only the actual amount HFLA receives from PayPal will be applied to the loan.

HFLA provides PayPal for convenience, but it is not a recommended payment method.

Zelle. HFLA recommends that borrowers use Zelle for their payments. Zelle is free of charge, and a service provided at most banks. Contact your bank to ask if they offer Zelle. 

Hebrew Free Loan Association of Washington State
P.O. Box 141
Mercer Island, WA  98040
(206) 397-0005

HFLA is a 501(c)3 organization
Your donations are tax deductible
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